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Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon pass UN equipment inspection

时间:2022-03-03 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 20th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to Lebanon successfully passed the UN equipment inspection on February 28. The equipment of the contingent all met the required standards by the UN.

The picture shows Chinese peacekeepers get ready for the inspection. The 20th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to Lebanon successfully passed the UN equipment inspection on February 28. (81.cn/Photo by Zhuang Xiaohao)

LEBANON, Mar. 2 -- The 20th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to Lebanon successfully passed the UN equipment inspection on February 28. The equipment of the contingent all met the required standards by the UN. 

A 17-member inspection team sent by the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Headquarters arrived at the Chinese peacekeeping camp in Tyre on February 28, local time. The team conducted thorough inspections on the main equipment, secondary equipment, and consumables of the contingent, including weapons and equipment, engineering vehicles, barracks facilities, office supplies, medical equipment, and various machines.

During the verification, the Chinese peacekeepers briefed on the quantity and quality of their materials and equipment, as well as the technical and tactical performance of the weapons and equipment, and demonstrated the equipment on the spot. The UNIFIL team agreed that all types of main equipment and self-sustaining equipment with the Chinese peacekeeping engineer contingent met the UN requirements and were qualified for peacekeeping tasks.

After the verification, the Chinese peacekeepers will continue to perform tasks such as the construction of air defense bunkers, standard fence construction, and concrete air defense bunkers hoisting in the mission area.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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